How would you machine interlocking holes? On FAUNC machine, I have the machine move back and forth while using a high-speed carbide drill for rapid processing.

How would you machine interlocking holes? On FAUNC machine, I have the machine move back and forth while using a high-speed carbide drill for rapid processing.

carbide drill for rapid processing




G40G49G80G90G69G17G15                 ---- Program initialization

M03S1000                              ---- Spindle clockwise rotation at 1000 RPM

G54G00X0Y0Z200                        ---- Move to programming origin, above the safety plane

G01G43H01Z50F1000                     ---- Enable tool length compensation, move to the cutting plane

#1=1                                  ---- Process the first layer

WHILE[#1LE6]DO1                       ---- While #1 is less than or equal to 6, enter loop 1

#2=1                                  ---- Process the first hole

N30 #6=[#2-1]*10                      ---- Hole spacing

IF[[#1AND1]EQ0]GOTO20                 ---- If #1 is even, jump to program segment N20

#3=10+#6                              ---- X coordinate for odd layers

#4=10+[#1-1]*10                       ---- Y coordinate for odd layers

#5=10                                 ---- Total number of holes for odd layers

GOTO10                                ---- Jump to program segment N10

N20 #3=95-#6                          ---- X coordinate for even layers

#4=10+[#1-1]*10                   ---- Y coordinate for even layers

#5=9                              ---- Total number of holes for even layers

N10 G00X#3Y#4                         ---- Position above the hole

G98G90G81Z-50R1                       ---- Peck drilling

#2=#2+1                               ---- Increment the variable by 1

IF[#2LE#5]GOTO30                      ---- If #2 is less than or equal to #5, jump to program segment N30

#1=#1+1                               ---- Increment the variable by 1

END1                                  ---- End loop 1




What is provided here is the idea of programming, otherwise any system, it is the same way.

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